Sunday, August 14, 2016

Winter Break (formerly Summer Vacation)

Winter Break are a three piece punk band from southern California.  Thanks to Juan for the recommendation.  I don't know anything about this band, but my favorite track is "Folk Song" off their self-titled.

DO ME A FAVOR demo (2009)

1. i miss halloween//happy halloween
2. looking in the dark
3. domo
4. smallville
5. being at one

WINTER BREAK demo (2010)

1. Tiffany Sucks 
2. Domo 
3. I Won't Be 
4. Avatar In 3D 
5. Happy New Year 
6. It's Like Having Your Cake And Eating It Too 
7. I Love You, Man

Angry at the World (2010)

1. Anual 
2. Powerlines 
3. It's Cool like a Fool in a Swimming Pool 
4. Skin & Bones 
5. I Don't Know 
6. Sex Cells

split w/Joyce Manor (2010)

1. Summer Vacation - Super Orgy
2. Summer Vacation - Don't Panic
3. Summer Vacation - The Many Faces Of Mental Chillness
4. Joyce Manor - Holiday Heart
5. Joyce Manor - DFHP?
6. Joyce Manor - My Elise

Condition (2011)

1. I Know What You Want 
2. Tiffany Sucks 
3. Post-You 
4. Team Captain 
5. Wormhole Blueprint 
6. Last Summer 
7. Blue Dream 
8. The Flower That Drank The Moon 
9. Dementia 
10. Not That 
11. Vice City 
12. Apparatus 
13. Cancer

split w/ Hard Girls (2012)

1. Hard Girls - If They Never Find Out
2. Summer Vacation - Morning After Party Pill
3. Summer Vacation - Guerrero St.
4. Summer Vacation - I'm Hard

split w/ Glocca Morra (2013)

1. Glocca Morra - burning love//burning desire
2. Glocca Morra - Number 2
3. Summer Vacation - Boycott Will Smith
4. Summer Vacation - Secret Shopper
5. Summer Vacation - It's My Birthday

Winter Break (2016)

1. Kirk Camoron
2. Better Things
3. Trey
4. Folk Song
5. 4:49
6. Cut the Braid
7. The First
8. Yaba
9. Who's Watching
10. Slippy
11. Altar Boy
12. Marshall

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