Monday, June 6, 2016

Neck Deep

For my first post, I figured I'd post the band that first got me into this scene.  This was one of my absolute favorite bands for a while, and they still hold a special place in my heart.

Neck Deep is a pop punk band from the UK that formed in 2012.  Since then, they've been staples of the pop punk scene and consistently released music.  Neck Deep's first two EP's and debut full length have a lower-quality recording style, which may appeal to some listeners, but my favorite release is Life's Not Out to Get You, their latest full length, released in 2015.  Not only was it a step up in production quality, but it also sounds more like late 90's and early 2000's pop punk in terms of lyrics and melodies.  Also, the album has an overall upbeat tone, which is a change from the angst and sadness present in their previous work.  The band is also fantastic live, so be sure to catch them when they come around.

FFO: The Story So Far, Knuckle Puck, The Wonder Years, Blink-182

Rain in July (2012)

1. Kick It
2. Silver Lining
3. What Did You Expect?
4. Over and Over
5. A Part Of Me (feat. Laura Whiteside)
6. I Couldn't Wait To Leave 6 Months Ago
7. All Hype, No Heart

A History Of Bad Decisions (2013)

1. Up in Smoke
2. Tables Turned
3. Head to the Ground

Wishful Thinking (2014)

1. Losing Teeth
2. Crushing Grief (No Remedy)
3. Staircase Wit
4. Damsel In Distress
5. Zoltar Speaks
6. Growing Pains
7. Say What You Want
8. Mileage
9. Sweet Nothings
10. What Did You Expect?
11. Blank Pages
12. Candour

Neck Deep/Knuckle Puck (2014)

1. Neck Deep - Crushing Grief (No Remedy)
2. Neck Deep - Growing Pains
3. Knuckle Puck - Gold Rush
4. Knuckle Puck - Fences 

Life's Not Out To Get You (2015)

1. Citizens Of Earth
2. Threat Level Midnight
3. Can't Kick Up The Roots
4. Kali Ma
5. Gold Steps
6. Lime St.
7. Serpent
8. The Beach Is For Lovers (Not Lonely Losers)
9. December
10. Smooth Seas Don't Make Good Sailors
11. I Hope This Comes Back To Haunt You
12. Rock Bottom

Serpents (2016)

1. Serpents (Mark Hoppus Remix)
2. Serpents
3. Can't Kick Up The Roots (Mark Hoppus Remix)
4. Can't Kick Up The Roots

Thus concludes my first post, enjoy!

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